
23 lutego 2016

Future plans for MOZ app.

So I've just had an awesome party with my two best friends last saturday and one of them is studying programming on college. We spent good 15 minutes on talking about my idea of My Outfit Zone application. It seems to be really hard task, but I think I will try to make it one day. Last time you got example of PowerPoint presentation, that would help you choosing right outfit. So we decided, that I should do first something inbetween PowerPoint presentation and application. Also, I think first application will be simply online one for computers, as mobile one will need a bit more work and probably it will be next version that will go on Android system or something else. We will see, as it will take lots of time. Anyway, something will be made. For now that's all. Stay tuned for more! Have an awesome day ;) Bye!

21 lutego 2016

First video on My Outift Zone and Colgate Advanced White test!

So time for making some videos. And I'm starting from Colgate Advanced White test! Everything is explained in the video below so don't hesitate and check it out right now ;) Here it is:

And here is photo of my teeth before using Colgate Advanced White:

I'm going to brush my teeth 3 times a day with this toothpaste and we will see effects after 14 days and probably after 28 and so on as wel ;) So stay tuned for more!

16 lutego 2016

Teeth whitening - Part 3

So I've almost finished Colgate Max White toothpaste using medium manual toothbrush. Effects? They are for your view and rate. Here are photos:



Soonest plans? Buying hard manual toothbrush and Colgate Advanced Whitening. Also, new post about it will be much better quality as I will use software to compare at the same light, how whiter my teeth are. See you in the next post! Bye ;-)

7 lutego 2016

Second package unboxing and review!

Hello! As I said before, I got two packages from courier. So in first one you saw that I got battery powered brush for skin. So what's in the second one? Let's find out!

Yes, you see it well, I bought a new handshower. But "wait" you'll say, "Is it blog about outfits and improving our image or about home renovation?" is still about our image.

 The reason why, is because this handshower has changeable water filter, which filters water from all kinds of chemical stuff, heavy metals and so on. Effects? Healthier skin, nails and hair. Maybe this will help me also making my dandruff problem smaller, as I'm dealing with it since I remember, smilar to my mom. But for sure, better to filter water and take shower in better quality of it than in "normal" one.

Here is our old handshower. You can see how much percipitate from water is on it already, although it was cleaned before from it. I will keep it, because you never know when you will need one and it is still in good condition.

After installation, instruction said to keep running water for 5 minutes. Probably it has something to do with cleaning filter from some post production leftovers.

After that time, it was ready to be used and of course I took a shower in a higher quality of water :D

The only problem is that it doesn't fit that well in mounting, however it is still stable and it is mostly aesthetical thing. many people beside you and your households are looking at it? 

To sum up, it wasn't expensive, I think it was a good investment and in further future I may also buy second water filter that is mounted before pipe that goes into handshower. It probably will also make that filter in handshower staying longer as it won't be taking that much dirt anymore and also water should be better as well.

So that's it for now, I think this kind of investment will be good, personally I found out my dandruff is not that big anymore, it is more dry and I guess that it may be because of that handshower with filter as I haven't changed my shampoo. I didn't recognize any changes about acne that I'm facing since I was a teen, I still have some and can't say if better water quality will help or not. It is not expensive thing and I think, you can try it by yourself! ;) See you in another post! Bye :)