
23 lutego 2016

Future plans for MOZ app.

So I've just had an awesome party with my two best friends last saturday and one of them is studying programming on college. We spent good 15 minutes on talking about my idea of My Outfit Zone application. It seems to be really hard task, but I think I will try to make it one day. Last time you got example of PowerPoint presentation, that would help you choosing right outfit. So we decided, that I should do first something inbetween PowerPoint presentation and application. Also, I think first application will be simply online one for computers, as mobile one will need a bit more work and probably it will be next version that will go on Android system or something else. We will see, as it will take lots of time. Anyway, something will be made. For now that's all. Stay tuned for more! Have an awesome day ;) Bye!

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